How To Perform Salat Ul Hajat

When a need or illness occurs. Be it religious or worldly, be it related to Allah Almighty or someone else. He should perform ablution well. And with the intention of salat ul Hajat, Pray 2 rakat nafl prayers.
Then after the salam, recite the praises of Allah Almighty. And recite this dua after reading Durood. Inshaallah, his need will be fulfilled or any trouble will be removed.

La ilaha illallahul Halimul Karim Subhanallahi Rabbil Arshil Azeem, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, as’aluka mujibati Rahmatika, wa aza’ima maghfiratika, walghanimata min kulli ismin, la tada li zanban illa ghafartahu, wala hamman illa farrajtahu, wala hajatan hiya laka rizan illa qazaitaha, Ya Arhamar Rahimin.
Dua is a strong fortress. Dua is the support of man. It is a cure for the suffering of the helpless person. Dua is a cure for physical and spiritual diseases. It is the weapon of the believer.
Dua is the key to taking from the treasures of Allah Almighty. Destiny is also changed by prayer. Dua is an act of worship which Allah has promised to accept.
The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: Continue to plead and supplicate to Allah through ياذَالجلالِ وَالْاِكْرَام. The Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: nothing can avert the decision of destiny except prayer. And nothing but goodness can increase the age.

The Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said. Allah Almighty says. Ideal with My servant in the same way. As he thinks with me. And whenever he prays to me, I am with him.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said. In the third part of the night, Allah first descends towards the sky. And Allah the Exalted says: who is there who supplicates to Me that I may accept his supplication? Who is it that asks of me that I grant it? Who is it that asks for forgiveness from me and I forgive him?
The Muhammad (PBUH) said. There is no way to avoid calamity. Asking Allah Almighty brings benefit from the calamity and suffering that has been revealed. and even in this calamity which has not been revealed yet.
It is narrated from Hazrat Umar (RA). Dua stops between Sky and Earth. Dua cannot go up until sends blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said. Those people will be closer than me on the Day of Judgement who will send blessings on me.

The Muhammad (PBUH) said. That the person who considers it necessary to ask for forgiveness. (That is, keep asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty for him sins).
So Allah will make a way for him to get out of the difficulty. And will remove all his worries and give him satisfaction. And will provide him with sustenance in a way that he cannot even imagine.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said. That the servant who recited this in the Presence of Allah Almighty in some part of the day with sincerity and conviction of his heart. ( i.e. asked for forgiveness with these words).
And if he dies before the night begins on that day, he will undoubtedly go to Heaven. and in the same way, if someone supplicated in the Presence of Allah Almighty in any part of the night. And he dies in the same night before dawn, he will surely go to Heaven.

When there is an intention to do something important. So pray 2 rakat with the intention of Istikhara to get help from Allah Almighty. And read this Dua after salam.
And after the prayer, let him work in whichever direction his heart inclined. If you don’t understand it after reading it once, read it again and again.

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