Power Of Allah

Allah Almighty created this universe through the word “كُنْ”. When Allah Almighty wants to create something. Allah Almighty says the word “كُنْ”. So that thing comes into being at the appointed time. “كُنْ” means become.Allah created this Universe in six days. Land in 2 days, Land related things in 2 days. Like mountains, minerals, rivers and forests etc. And Allah created the seven skies, the Moon, the Sun, the Stars and the Planets in 2 days.
The oneness of Allah and His power and wisdom and mercy for those who have reason and concern in consciousness and intellect. All things from the earth to the Skies are ruled by Allah. Allah’s rule will last forever, and will never end. Allah created man in a good mold. Then moderated the mood. Everyone’s face is different. Each one has a different shape and color. Boats and ships are apparently man -made. But man was created by Allah. Allah gave the forces and materials with which ships are made.
From the beginning to the end, all the praise that is and will be is for Allah alone. Because He is the creator and giver of all blessings and all things. Whether given directly or indirectly. Just as heat or indirectly. Just as heat or light is caused by the Sun. All creatures are in need of Allah. Allah Almighty is the owner of all kinds of needs. And nothing in the world is beyond the control of Allah.
Allah Almighty made the earth so wide and strong and spread it over the water. All things born from the earth have been taken out by Allah Almighty. In the beginning, the ground was shaking. Allah created mountain and removed its trembling. Allah changes day and night. And makes them small and big. Allah made the seven skies very strong. Despite the passage of so much time, there was no crack in the sky. And created the sky so wide and high and pillarless.
In this world, Allah Almighty bless both the believer and the unbeliever with the blessings of this world due to His immense mercy. Allah knows everything in the sky and the earth. Whether it is hidden or open, in the same way He knows the hidden and open things of all His servants. Allah Almighty is always alive and will live forever. Allah Almighty does not get drowsy or sleepy. Therefore, both the earth and the sky are under the protection of Allah.
The attributes of knowledge are also in man. But there is a big difference between the Knowledge of Allah and the Knowledge of man. Man can see forward but not backward, he can see in light but not in darkness. Man can see above the earth but not below the earth. He can see under the sky, not above the sky. Whereas Allah can see everything at once.
All creatures glorify and sanctify Allah. The skies, the earth, the moon, the sun, the stars, the planets, the angels, men and believing jinn. Birds, grazing animals and all living plants and animals all sing the praises of Allah. Everything in the universe glorifies and sanctifies Allah. Although man cannot hear or understand this glorification and sanctification.

According to caste, Allah resides on the throne. That is, after the creation of the earth and the sky, Allah Almighty resided on the throne. And only Allah knows the reality of Arsh. Allah knows every particle. And Allah Almighty is looking at every particle from above the throne. Indeed, Allah Almighty is present everywhere and at all times through His Knowledge and power. And Allah knows and sees all the actions of man.
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