Prophet Mohammad

Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) said: when that sin committed by Adam (peace be upon him). Due to which he was sent from Heaven to this world. So Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) used to cry all the time and beg for pray and forgiveness. Once He turned towards the sky and submitted. O Allah, I see forgiveness from you through Mohammad. The revelation was revealed as to who Mohammad (PBUH) is through which you apologized. Submitted that when you gave created to me. So I saw written on the throne.

So I understood that there is no one high than Mohammad. Whose name you named with your own name. The revelation was revealed that he are Khatam- ul-Nabieen. Are among your children. But if he were not, you would not have been born.
In Makkah
After receiving prophethood, Mohammad (peace be upon him) preached in Makkah for 9 years. And he kept trying to guide and reform the nation. But except for a small group who were Muslims. And except for a few people who used to help you despite not being Muslims. Often the infidels of Makkah used to inflict all kinds of pain on you and your companions. They used to make fun and do whateven they could. Mohammad’s (pbuh) uncle Abu taleb was also among those good – hearted people. Who, despite not being a Muslim, used to help the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in every way. In the tenth year, when Abu taleb also died, the infidels got an opportunity to stop Islam in every possible way and to hurt the Muslims.
Mohammad’s (PBUH) Journey To Taif
Mohammad (peace be upon him) came to Taif with the idea that there was a large group of the thaqif tribe there. If that tribe becomes Muslim, then the Muslims will get relief from these troubles and the basis for the spread of the religion will be laid. On reaching there, spoke to the three chiefs of the tribe, who were considered to be of high rank, and called them to the religion of Allah. But these people, instead of accepting the matter of religion, gave a clear answer. And behaved very rudely and immorally. Those people did not even allow you to stay here. The people whom Mohammad (PBUH) had talked to as sardars, that they would be polite and have polite conversations.
The Chiefs Said
One of them said Allah has sent you as a prophet. The second said that Allah Almighty could not have found anyone other than you whom He would have sent as a massenger. The third said, I don’t want to talk to you. Because if you really are a prophet as claimed. So denying what you say is trouble. And if it’s a lie, I don’t want to talk to such a person. After that, being disappointed with these people, Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) decided to talk to other people.
But no one accepted. Rather, instead of accepting it, they said the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) to leave our city immediately and go wherever you want. When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was completely disappointed with them, he started to return. So those people put the city boys behind. To make fun of you, clap their hands, throw stones at you. Even the two shoes of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) became colored due to the release of blood. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, returned in the same condition. At one place on the way, when He (PBUH) was satisfied with these evildoers the He (peace be upon him) made this supplication.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Supplicated

Translation Of Dua
Oh, Allah, I appeal to you for the weakness in my strength, and my limited power, and the treatment of contempt and humiliation from people.To you, the most Merciful of all the Merciful ones,you are the Lord of the oppressed, and you are my Lord Under whose care are you leaving me to? To an enemy oppressing me? Or to a friend you have given control of my affair? If there is no anger from you on me I will forever be content.However, your blessing is vastly important for meI seek refuge with the glory of your light, which the heavens and earth are lit form, your anger will not befall on me, nor your displeasure descends on meTo you is the supplication until you are pleased,and there is no control or power except by you
Angel Of The Mountains
Gabriel (peace be upon him) came and greeted and submitted. That Allah the Exalted heard the conversation with your people and heard their answers. And to an angel who has the service of the mountains. It has been sent to you to order whatever you want. After that, this angel greeted and submitted. That I should obey what you said. If it is said, then I will mix the mountains on both sides so that all of them will be crushed in the middle. Or whatever punishment you suggest. The kind and generous nature of Muhammad (PBUH) responded. That I hope from Allah that if they do not become Muslims, there will be people from among their descendants who will believe in Allah and worship Him.
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