Prophet Muhammad Story

The First Revelation
When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was 40 years old. One day you saw an angel in the same cave Hira. The one with the silk cloth in his hand, was Gabriel (PBUH).Who was showing the text written on this cloth to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
And were saying, Read it. The Muhammad (PBUH) said: I do not know how to read. Then Gabriel recited the opening verses of Surah Iqra.

The Responsibility of Prophethood
Understanding this great responsibility and its importance, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went home in panic. Khadija (RZA) asked the reason for this trouble. So the Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) narrated the whole incident.
Khadija (RZA) comforted you. And said that you have good news. Don’t be afraid by Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You speak the truth, you carry people’s burdens and doing hospitality. Allah will not disappoint you .
Prophet Muhammad Went to Warqa Bin Naufal
Khadija (RZA) consoled the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). But she was also worried about this situation. Khadija cousin, Waraqa bin Nawfal, renounced polytheism and accepted Christianity, the true religion of the time. And acquired the knowledge of this religion.
Khadija (RZA) took the Muhammad (peace be upon him) to Waraqa bin Nawfal. Waraqa bin Nawfal heard the full details of the incident from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And then he said, He who has come is an angel of Allah. Which come only to the Prophets. From this it is known that you are the Prophet of Allah. Happy Prophethood to you.
When the nation will make you countryless. If I had been able to help by then, I would have helped. Hearing this, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) asked in surprise, will my people make me stateless? He said yes, when someone comes with a message like yours, the nation starts to opposing him.
Warqa bin Naufal was one of the first polytheists. But he was disgusted with polytheism and idolatry. Therefore, left his native religion and adopted Christianity. Which was the last sky religion at that time.It is in the Hadith that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw him dressed in white clothes inside Heaven.
Jews & Christians Knew Everything
By the command of Allah, from Adam to Essa, all the Prophets kept giving news about the mission of Muhammad. And as the era of Ba’ath was approaching. In the conversations of the scholars and newspaper writers of that time, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was mentioned in one way or the other.
Especially the Jews and the Christians used to mention in great detail before the people about the birth, appearance and likeness of the Prophet, Prophethood, migration and life. The latter, these people had started waiting anxiously for the appearance of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
But when the Prophet (PBUH) appeared. And they too knew and described. So most of them started feeling ashamed to believe in you.
A Jew’s Story
A Jew lived in Mecca for trade. On the night when the Prophet was born the Jew asked the Quraish if a boy was born tonight.These people expressed ignorance. So he said to research and tell! Because tonight the Prophet of this nation will be born.
When the news of Muhammad’s birth came, he went to see the Prophet and his seal of Prophethood. And he said that now Prophethood will go from Bani Israel. And said to Quraish that this child will dominate the entire region.
In the Holy Qur’an Allah Almighty has quoted the words of Isa (peace be upon him). That he had said to the Bani Israel: I have been sent to you by Allah the Exalted. I am the confirmer of the previous Torah book and the evangelist of a special messenger. Those who will come after me. And his name is Ahmed.
Confirmation of Christian Scholar
Similarly, Addas, Waraqa bin Nawfal, Bahira, Nestora these people are Christian Scholars. Who, seeing you, made it clear that you are a Prophet of the last time.
Similarly, when Halima (may Allah be pleased with him) was coming to Makkah with you for the first time. So some Christians from Abyssinia were found on the way. Those who saw you and took in their lap, kissed you. And said that those people know a lot about you. And that you are a man of great honor.
Preaching To Family And Friends
Immediately after receiving Prophethood, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) started the call for Monotheism. At the invitation of the Prophet, Abu Bakr (RZA) among the men, Khadija (RZA) among the women, Ali (RZA) among the salves, and Umm Ayman (RZA) among the salves became Muslims.
After becoming a Muslim, Abu Bakr (RZA) started preaching and preaching among his friends. Through his efforts, few more people accepted Islam. In those days, Muslims hid their Islam. Not revealed on anyone.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and those who had become Muslims. They also used to Pray quietly in the valleys or wherever they got the chance. According to the Ibrahimi Shariat at that time. There used to be morning and evening Prayers.
Darul Arqam
Then the Muhammad (peace be upon him) thought that there should be a special place to gather and meet with his followers. For this made Arqam ‘s house the center.
With the efforts of the Companions, those who wanted to become Muslims would come to Darul arqam. He (peace be upon him) used to introduce them to Islam. Some of the most important figures of Makkah accepted Islam in this first center to Islam.
People like ushman bin Affan (RZA), Hamza (RZA), Umar (RZA), Zubair bin Awam (RZA), Arqam bin Arqam (RZA), Khabab (RZA), Abdullah bin Masoud (RZA), Ammar (RZA), Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RZA) atc. Benefited from this center of Islam.
By that time people who had become Muslims. And those who wanted to understand Islam. They all used to come here to meet the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This house of Arqam (RZA) was located near Safa mountain. Then when Umar (RZA) believed. Muhammad (PBUH) and his Companions (RZA) used to gather wherever they wanted.
Prophet Muhammad Preaching on Mount Safa
This series of Dawat Tawheed and Iman went on for three years in a silent and secret way. After three years, Allah Almighty ordered the Muhammad (peace be upon him).That you should start telling people the message of Allah openly. In particular was ordered to preach to his relatives.
To comply with this order, the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) climbed Mount Safa one day. And called the people of Quraysh by name. When all the people gathered. So He (PBUH) confirmed you truthfulness from these people. When these people admitted that you never lie. Upon this, the Muhammad ( PBUH ) said.
That I am the Messenger of Allah. If you do not confirm me, then I warn you of the chastisement of Allah. Hearing this, your uncle abu lahab was very angry. And spoke harshly with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In response to this, Surah Lahab was revealed.