Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) And His She-Camel

The Nation Of Thamud
The nation of Thamud is the most famous and oldest nation of Arabia after the death of the nation of Aad. His lineage is traced back to Noah’s son sam. Their capital was in Maqam Hajar to the north of Madinah Tayyaba. Which is now called “Madan Salih.” It is said that it was a civilized, advanced, powerful and rich nation of its time. Carving the mountains to make big buildings and paying huge money to the stone carvers to make big idols. It was the favourite pastime of them life. So much devotion and love for idols had developed in their hearts that they started considering their worship as a means of their salvation, leaving Allah Almighty.
Arrival Of Prophet Salih (peace be upon him)
When the polytheism and idolatry of this nation increased. So Allah Almighty sent Prohet Salih (peace be upon him) as a massenger for the guidance and reformation of the people of thamud. Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) was born about a hundred years after Hud (peace be upon him). This nation was very proud of its glory, honor and greatness and shirk and idolatry.
Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) said. O people, worship Allah, you have no ruler but Him. He created you from the earth. First created from clay. Created and kept. Arranged animals for food and ride. Explain the recipes for settled the Land. When He is such a benefactor and benefactor, then a person should turn to Him with faith and obedience. And disbelief and polytheism etc. Who have committed sins. Ask forgiveness for this sin. He is very close to us. He hears everything himself. And listens and accepts the repentance and forgiveness done with a sincere heart.
The People Of Thamud Said
The nation of thamud said. O Salih, that you would be a great and virtuous man the nation will place him on the head, considering him to be the seat of honorable elders. There were signs of wisdom and wisdom from your forehead everyone expected that a big benefit will come from you in the near future. Will guide his national brothers with wisdom and prudence and will support the native religion with great strength. It is true that you hated idolatry from the beginning and was isolated from the general national religion.
However, trusting in your understanding and natural ability, we had hope that. Going forward, after maturity of intellect and experience, this attitude will not remain. But suddenly you started saying such things. Which dashed all hopes. You destroyed all expectations by starting an open jihad against the ancient religion of our forefathers. Does you want us to take one god and leave all the old gods? According to us, it is a matter of strong suspicion to adopt such a religion against the way of the elders, which our heart does not accept in any way. It was hoped that the paths of the ancestors would be enlightened by you. So the erasure process began.
Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) Said
Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) said. O people, how can I leave a clear path because of your doubts? Allah gave me understanding. And by His mercy gave me the position of Prophet. Now suppose I start disobeying him and if I do not deliver the things that are ordered to be delivered, who will save me from his punishment?
Instead of appreciating your true benefactor and benefactor. You want to cause irreparable harm by advising me to stop preaching and preaching. Nothing grows in me from your conversation except the conviction that you are doing yourself a great disservice. Do you think you will always enjoy the same luxury and pleasure of garden and spring? And they will never come out of the beautiful houses that have been carved out of the mountain? Or will these strong and heavy buildings save you from the punishment of Allah? Get these dreams out of your heart.
The People Of Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) Said
The people of Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) said. There is no angel of heaven. Rather, a man like us and that too alone. With which there is no force and no party. What to suppress us and make everyone his submissive it will never happen. If we get caught in this trap, our big mistake and stupidity will be madness. He threatens us that if we do not believe him, will fall into the fire. And the incident is that if we submissive to him, it is as if we are throwing ourselves into the fire. That was all that was left for the Prophet everything is a lie. Although proud that God has made me His Messenger. And the whole nation has been commanded to obey me. It will be known very soon who is the liar and arrogant in both parties.
Answer Of The Muslims
There were big, arrogant chiefs and enemies in the nation. He used to mock the poor and weak Muslims saying that even today they are not considered big men. But did you know that Saleh is sent by God? The Muslims replied that what is the meaning of knowing? You know it too. Yes, we have accepted wholeheartedly and have believed in it. The arrogant people were shocked by this wise answer and said we still don’t believe what you believe. Then what is the big success of converting a few poor people like you?
Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) Said To The People
Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) said to the people. Fear Allah and obey what I say. I say for your own good. Don’t get destroyed by following these big devils, they are the ones who spread evil in the earth. Not reformers and givers of good advice.
The Nation Said
The people of Thamud said. What is more in you than in us that you became a prophet. Looks like someone has cast a spell. From which your brain is not working ( Al Ayaz Billah). If is a prophet and has a higher status than us. So ask Allah to show a sign that we will accept. The people of thamud said, “Take out a pregnant she-camel from this stone rock.”
The Prayer Of Prophet Salih (peace be upon him)
Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) prayed Allah Almighty showed this sign with His perfect power. The pregnant she-camel was born from the stone by the power of Allah. Saleh (peace be upon him) said to the nation the argument you were asking for has arrived. The nation of Salih (peace be upon him) had made a covenant with him. If you take a she-camel out of a solid rock, we will believe in you. Allah Almighty accepted the prayer of Salih (peace be upon him) and did the same. Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) said to them that Allah showed a miracle at your request. Now what is the meditation in bringing faith?
Allah’s Power
This she-camel is a sign of Allah’s power and my righteousness. Which Allah Almighty created in unusual way on my dua. Respect his rights. For example, do not prevent eating grass and drinking water in Allah’s land. Therefore, with the sign of Allah which you yourself have asked for and obtained. Do not deal with evil, otherwise there will be a great calamity. Do not spread evil in the land through polytheism and disbelief.
It is said that that she-camel was so tall and big. That she used to graze in any forest or drink water at any pond all the cattle would run to the shore. So Allah kept the turn. One day she will go and one day all the animals. And on the day of her turn, used to empty the well from which she drank water. As if she was born in an unusual way. The essential qualities of life were also unusual. Finally, people got angry and agreed to kill him.
Punishment Of Allah Almighty
A woman had many cattle her house. From distress of fodder and water, she provoked a man named qazaar bin salaf. He cut off the feet of the she-camel. So the people of thamud killed the she-camel and also planned to kill Prophet Salih (peace be upon him). After three days, the punishment came. When the order of punishment came, Allah Almighty saved Salih (peace be upon him) and his companions. At the time of the revelation of the punishment, they did not have even an iota of fear. The punishment came upon the people of thamud in such a way that they were sleeping at night. There was an earthquake from below, and the angel from above shouted, and everyone’s hearts burst with this terrible sound. After the death of the nation. Salih (peace be upon him) migrated to Palestine with the believers.
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