Quraish’s Offer To Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

As long as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continued to secretly invite the people of Makkah to Islam. The people of Quraish did not tease you much and did not attach much importance to the matter. But when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began to openly call for Islam, and clearly forbade idolatry, disbelief and polytheism, all the tribes of Quraysh became enmity and opposition to him. They did everything they could to stop you and your invitation and held secret counsels. When nothing happened, it was decided that the first thing to do was to deprive the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of Abu Talib’s support. So that we can weaken and neutralize him by directly opposing him. Therefore, in this regard, these people met Abu Talib three times in the form of a delegation of chiefs and presented their case.
First Meeting With Abu Talib
Because Abu Talib did not oppose Muhammad (peace be upon him) despite not believing in him. Rather, he used to protect in every way. For this, a representative delegation of the chiefs of the nation reached him. And said to them that your nephew calls our idols wrong. He calls us fools. And tells our fathers astray. Our desire from you is that either you stop him from inviting Islam or refer him to us. We will deal with it ourselves. Abu Talib listened to his words very gently and seriously. And returned them after by explaining. Nor did stop Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from doing this work.
Second Meeting With Abu Talib
After a few days, these people again met Abu Talib. And said to them that the water has now risen above the head. Your nephew’s words have become unbearable for us. We are not taking any extreme steps to honor you. But now we have come to inform you. That if you allowed your nephew and if you don’t stop them from opposing our religion, we will be ready to fight them. One of us will surely be killed. This time Abu Talib also became worried after seeing the increasing and flaming enmity of the nation.
And narrated the entire incident to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). And said, dear nephew, have mercy on yourself and me. Hearing these words of his uncle, the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: Uncle! By Allah! If these people put the Sun in my right hand and the Moon in my left hand. Even so, I will not give up my work. Until the religion of Allah prevails or I perish. Abu Talib heard this answer of the Muhammad (peace be upon him) and said, son! Do whatever you want, I will never refer you to the enemy, so you (pbuh) continued your mission as usual.
Third Meeting With Abu Talib
The Quraysh chiefs came to Abu Talib for the third time and took the new formula with them. Presenting a very handsome and intelligent boy of quraish to the service of Abu Talib, said: you are not paying attention to our complaint pull and ignoring our every request. If you are at risk of losing your nephew. So you take this child instead of Muhammad. And refer Muhammad to us. Abu Talib got angry hearing this. And said this is strange. That I will take your child under my care and feed it. And give you to kill my nephew. This can never happen, go do what you want to do.
Chief Of Quraysh
When sardar quraish saw that none of our words and threats were having any effect on Abu Talib. So they were disappointed. And through mutual consultation, it was decided to try to reach an compromise by directly talking to the prophet himself. So all these chiefs gathered at one place in the Haram. And someone called you to him. Since you were very desired for the guidance of these people. So you immediately came and sat with them.
They said: O Muhammad! We have been sent to you by the whole nation. The situation you have created. Till date no one has created such difficult conditions for us. You call our gods evil. And call our fathers misguided. Call our elders stupid. You have separated us. Therefore, there no evil that you have not brought. Now we want to ask you this after all, what do you want through your invitation?
The First Proposition And Its Response
The purpose of your invitation is to collect wealth. So we will give you a lot of wealth. If are aspiring to be a chieftain tell. We will accept you as our chief. If you desire the kingdom we will make you king. And if there is a jinn who brings this news to you who has overcome you. So we will manage your treatment and recovery no matter how much it costs. Purpose! We will do what you want. The condition is that you close this invitation. And end this new religion of yours.
He (peace be upon him) listened to their words with attention and patience. Then, answering them with complete satisfaction, he said: I don’t need any of them. Which you have mentioned. I am not desirous of wealth, nor do I desire any position. Nor do I have a lust for the government. The only thing is that Allah Almighty has sent me as a Messenger to you. Allah has revealed his book to me.
I am commanded to give you the good news in the form of obedience. And in the event of disobedience, warn of Allah’s punishment. I have conveyed the message of my Lord to you, and have paid the right for your goodwill. Now, if you accept this, it will be a profitable deal for you in this world and the hereafter. And if you reject this message, then I am waiting for the order of Allah to decide between me and you.
Second Proposition And Its Response
When the chiefs of Quraysh saw that you had no interest in worldly wealth. So they put forward another proposal. You know that there is no nation in the world that is in a more miserable state than us, suffering from narrow means of subsistence and deprived of water. If you are truthful, remove from your Lord these mountains of Makkah. Due to which the population has become narrow. So that our city expands, and canals flow in it like Syria and Iraq. And bring our ancestors back to life.
Especially to Qusay ibn kilab because he was our very true elder. Then if these people come alive and confirm you, we will also accept you. Hearing their foolish demand, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said. I have not been sent for these tasks. I have invited you for the work for which I have been sent. If you people accept this, you will be well in this world and the hereafter. Otherwise, I will continue to wait until the command of Allah Ta’ala comes.
The Third Proposition And Its Response
Those people said: If you can’t even do this, at least ask Allah for some qualities for yourself. That he should send an angel with you who would confirm your words. And keep protecting you from us. And keep gardens, palaces and treasure for you. Because now you go to the market like us and you adopt means of livelihood like us. If you can do it, it can happen that we are forced to acknowledge your worth and dignity.
Muhammad (PBUH) said: I will not do all this. Nor have I been sent for these works. The purpose of my mission is only this. That I should call people to the worship of Allah alone and make them aware of the consequences of disobedience. If you people will accept my words so you will be successful in this world and the hereafter. And if you do not believe, I will continue to be patient. Until Allah makes a decision between us and you.
Fourth Proposition And Its Reply
Those people said. If they don’t do this, then do this Ask your Lord to make the sky fall on our heads. As you think he can do it if he wants. Until this happens, we will not believe in you. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: This is a matter for Allah. If he wants to do that with you, he will do it. If not, he will not do it. I have no involvement in it. I said what I had to say. If you believe, it will be good for you, if you don’t, it will be bad for you.
When the Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not listen to any of these unreasonable words of those people. And in response to everything, he continued to call for monotheism and prophethood. And when continued to explain the end of accepting it and not accepting it, these people said. We do not accept any of your invitation. We believe that no angel comes to you. There is a man named ur Rehman living in yamamah who is teaching you all these things. We will never accept this. And will not stop chasing you until we destroy you or you destroy us. Hearing this, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) got up and left, and their stubbornness and disrespect had a great impact on his health.
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