The Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Before The Birth of Prophet Muhammad
In the 6th century AD, this world was going through a very dark period. They had completely forgotten Allah. Idol worship had become common. The name and mark of humanity was also being erased. The whole nation was wandering in clear error. The powerful were ruling over the weak.
Imaginary images, trees, stones and animals were worshipped. Burying girl alive, robbing convoys, killing innocent people it had become their hobby. When the conditions the world were getting worse day by day. So Allah Almighty decided to send the last Prophet to show His servants the straight path.
The Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Fifty days after the famous incident of abraha in Mecca. 12/ Rabi Al- Awwal on Monday morning before sunrise at Sadiq time. Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to this world with all his virtues. The darkness of the world turned into light. Wandering humanity found a perfect leader.
It is said that the morning Muhammad (PBUH) was born. In the same night there was an earthquake in the palace of kisra. And the fourteen corners of his palace fell. Kisra was the title of the king of Iran. The canal sawah dried up. It is the name of a canal in Iran. The Iranians was fire worshippers, that is, they worship fire.
A trench was made there. In which the fire was burning for a thousand years and was never extinguished. The night the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) entered the world. With the blessings of the you (PBUH) this fire was extinguished forever.
The Name
Your Mother gave you the name Ahmed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). When your Grandfather heard about you. So he reached Amina’ s house in a state of great joy. And reached the Haram with his grandson in his lap. Took inside the Kaaba and thanked Allah. And on the seventh day, by doing aqiqa, suggested name as Muhammad.
Muhammad’s Mother
Amina was a noble and well-mannered lady of Quraysh family. Her lineage goes back to Muhammad’s great-grandfather “Fahar.” Fahar nickname was Quraysh. That is why you (PBUH) are called Qureshi. Amina was also Qureshi.
Muhammad’s Father
Your father Abdullah was the youngest son of your grandfather Abdul Muttalib. Abdullah, the father of the Muhammad (peace be upon him) was considered very honorable and virtuous in the society.
Abdul Muttalib sent his son on a business trip. On his way back, he fell ill after reaching Madinah. And he died before the birth of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Your grandfather Abdul Muttalib was the leader of the people of Makkah.
The Incident of Shaq Sadar
Once Muhammed (PBUH) was busy playing with children. That suddenly 2 angles dressed in white clothes came. They laid you down and chalk your chest and took out heart. Then he washed it with Zamzam water and put it in its place. And made the chest equal.
Death of Amina
When Muhammad (peace be upon him) was 6 years old, Amina took him (peace be upon him) to Madinah. Which was called Yasrab at that time.Was returning after staying at her house for a few days.
So, on reaching the place “Abwa” between Madinah and Makkah, she fell ill and died there during the journey. Umm Ayman reached Makkah with Muhammad (peace be upon him) and referred He (peace be upon him) to grandfather Abdul Muttalib.
Death of Grandfather
Then when Muhammad (PBUH) was 8 years old. So the shadow of grandfather also rose from his head. At the time of his death, Abdul Muttalib handed over Muhammad (PBUH) to Abu Talib and made a special will for you. That they take special care of you. After his grandfather, He (peace be upon him) started living with his uncle Abu Talib.
Education and Training
Muhammad (PBUH) said. That my training has been said by my Lord. And my Lord has given me education. And has given me very good training and very high education.In Makkah, it was a common custom to play songs at wedding parties. Muhammad (PBUH) also wanted to participate in it and see what happens.
But when this program started, He (peace be upon him) was so asleep that he did not know anything. When he peace be upon him woke up, the party was over and it was morning. All this was the blessing of Allah Almighty training.
The First Journey And The Meeting of Buhera
When Muhammad (peace be upon him) was 12 13 years old. So Abu Talib was preparing for a trip to Syria in the course of trade. Muhammad (Peace be upon him) also insisted and joined them in this journey.when Abu Talib’s caravan passed through Hijaz and entered the country of Syria. So the caravan, as usual, camped at one place under a tree.
There was a place of worship of a Christian scholar near this place. He never paid attention to anyone coming and going. But that day he saw that after the caravan got down, the branches of the tree bent down. And a piece of cloud is between the sun and Muhammad (PBUH) and is blocking the sun from Muhammad (PBUH).
Jawish and Christian scholars were thus aware of the nature of the prophet of the last days and all the signs of his appearance. As a father knows his child.
Invitation To The Caravan
Seeing these conditions, the attention of the Christian scholar turned towards Muhammad (pbuh). He said his servant to quickly arrange food and drinks, and invited the caravan. These people were very surprised because this had never happened before. However, these people accepted the invitation.
And when they started going to the monk’s house, they did not think it proper to take Muhammad (Peace be upon him) with them because of his young age and left you are there with the luggage. When all the people were gathered, the monk took a look at them. He did not see the special symptoms in those people that were seen in that place.
So asked that there is no man left? They said: we had a small child with us, we have left him there, everyone else is here. The monk said. That the child should also participate in the feast. So Muhammad (peace be upon him) also participate. When Muhammad (PBUH) came.
So this Christian scholar looked at the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) again and again, looked closely, meditated in his eyes, saw the “seal of Prophethood” on his back.
Monk’s Questions
After the meal, he said from Muhammad (peace be upon him) for more satisfaction. I will ask you something. Give me the correct answer. Muhammad (PBUH) said. Ask whatever you want. He asked some questions about your eating, sleeping and waking habits. He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) answered all of them.
So he was convinced that you are the last Prophet of Allah. Which every prophet has informed. And scholars have been waiting for centuries. After that he asked Abu Talib. Who is this child of? He said is my son.
The monk said this is wrong. Because according to my knowledge, his father must have died before his birth. Then Abu Talib said yes, this is my nephew. And his father has passed away.
He told them not to take them forward. Abu Talib considered this to be appropriate in the light of what the monk had said. That the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) should not be taken on a journey. So Muhammad (PBUH) was sent back to Makkah with someone on the way.
Sadiq And Amin
When prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 14 15 years old. So transactions and interactions with the common people began to happen gradually. People used to look at him (peace and blessings to of Allah be upon him) and the special glory of his habits and manners.
The people of Makkah were so impressed by the qualities of truthfulness, cleanliness of affairs, honesty, gentleness, compassion for orphans, respect for neighbors and human compassion. Instead of calling you Muhammad, they used to remember you with the titles of Al- Sadiq and Al- Amin, meaning the true and the good.

Nastoura Monk
At the age of seventeen, prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) started his business with the permission of Abu Talib. During the journey, when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reached the city of Basra in the country of Syria, he sat under a shady tree to rest.
A monk named “Nastoura” lived there. He came to the service of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). And he said that since Essa Ibn Maryam until now, no other prophet has come down under this tree except you.
Cave of Hira
Like the era a Ba’ath was approaching. Loneliness was getting more and more prevalent on Muhammad’s health. There was a strange anxiety that was not going away.During those days, Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to have good dreams. And those who saw in dreams used to find the same in awakening.
This period was spent by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in a cave called “Hira” in Jabal Noor. From this cave, the Kaaba could be seen right in front. There the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to dwell in the remembrance of Allah and His worship. This process continued for 3 years.
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