The Holy Quran

Holy Quran is like such infinite sea which has no shore and no limit. This is reason why this Ummah does not need any other Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For the first nations, one or the other Prophet came in every age and guided them through their books.
The responsibility of protecting the Torah was the responsibility of these people. After the prophets (peace be upon him) there was a change in the Torah. The Holy Quran has been revealed for the guidance of this Ummah. Allah Almighty has taken the responsibility of protecting the Holy Quran.
The Holy Quran Is The Peace Of The Heart
By reciting the Holy Qur’an the heart gets peace, the soul refreshed descends, and Angels surround the reciters.
The Qur’an will be the intercessor of its reciters on the day of Judgement. The intercession of the one whom the Qur’an intercede for is accepted. The Qur’an arguing in the court of Allah in raising the ranks of its reciters and brings them to heaven.
Etiquette Of Reciting The Holy Quran
Perform Ablution before reciting the Holy Quran, keep the Quran on something high, do not talk to anyone in the middle of the recitation, if there is something important, close the Quran and talk. After that, be start by reciting Tawuz.
Verses Sajdah should Prostrates on the recition. Recitation out loud is preferable. If are afraid of hurting someone, read slowly.
The Holy Quran was revealed with Tajweed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah Almighty loves that the Qur’an be recited in the manner in which it was revealed.
Allah Almighty says if we had revealed this Holy Qur’an on of a mountain, you would have seen it would have been crushed and crumbled due to the fear of Allah Almighty. And we narrate these examples to the people so that they reflect on their lives and actions.
Reading the Quran a little but with tajwid and understanding is better than reading a lot of the Qur’an without tajwid because Allah has given great importance to contemplation. It is the Sunnah of Allah Almighty that he gives on demand, and demand is of great value to Allah.
Finished Quran
Whoever finishes the Holy Quran at the beginning on the day, the Angles of Allah pray for mercy and forgiveness for him until evening, and for him who finishes it at the end of the day, the Angles pray for mercy and forgiveness until dawn.
Word Of Allah
It is very easy to get advice from Quran. Because the subjects related to persuasion and intimidation and style and preaching. They are very clean, simple and effective. Indeed, the word of Allah will contain deep truths and nuances. That are useless to find in any other word.
This is why it is mentioned in the Hadith. The wonders and mysteries of the Quran will never end. Mysteries of the Holy Quran. Essa (peace be upon him) raised the dead. Description of the creation of man. Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him).
The Story Of Hazrat Umar (RZA)
When the Holy Quran was being revealed, the listeners were Arabs. The Quran was revealed in the native language of the Arabs. Before converting to Islam, Hazrat Umar (RZA) to hurt the Muslims and used to try to kill the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
One day the infidels formed a committee and suggested that someone should kill Muhammad. Umar said I will. People said that surely you can do it. Umar got up hanging his sword and walked away. While going with this concern, Hazrat Saad bin abi waqas may Allah be pleased with him met him and asked him where Umar was going.
He said that I am worried about Muhammad’s murder, (Nauzubillah). Saad said: How can you be satisfied with Banu Hashim aur Banu :: and Banu Abdul Manaf, they will kill you in return. He got angry at answer and said. It seems that you have also become irreligious, i.e. you have become Muslim.
He raised the sword and said that he will kill you first and Hazrat Saad also that yes I have become a Muslim and took the sword. The sword was about to come from both sides when Hazrat Saad (may Allah be pleased with him) said: That first take the news of your house, both your sister and brother -in-law have become Muslim.
Umar (RZA) Sister’s House
This was heard that he was filled with anger and went straight to sister’s house. There khabab (may Allah be pleased with him) was teaching the Holy Quran to both the husband and wife. At Umar voice, Hazrat khabab quickly hid inside and the scripture on which the Quranic verses were written remained outside.
The sister opened the door, Umar had something in his hand, which he hit on the head of the sister, causing blood to flow from the head. And said that you have also become irreligious. After that came to the in house and asked what was they were doing and whose voice it was.
The brother -in-law said that was were talking. He started saying, have you left your religion and adopted another religion? The brother -in-law said that if the second religion is true, then. It was to be heard that started beating his. Sister said that of course we have become Muslims, do whatever you can.
Umar (RZA) Turned Towards Islam
After that, Umar’s (RZA) gaze fell on the scripture that had been left out in haste, and his anger also subsided. He said, “Well, show me what it is.
The sister said that you are impure and impure hands cannot touch this. He insisted a lot but she was not ready to give without of ablution and ghusl. Umar bathed. This scripture consisted of Surah Ta’ha. Started reciting Surah Ta’ha.

Ta Ha (1) We did not reveal the Qur’an to you to (make you) face hardship (2)Rather to remind him who has the fear (of Allah), (3) It being a revelation from the One Who created the earth, and high heavens. (4) The Rahman (Allah, the All-Merciful) has positioned Himself on the Throne.
(5) To Him belongs all that is in the heavens, all that is in the earth and whatever lies between them and whatever lies beneath the soil.(6) If you pronounce the word aloud, then (it makes no difference, for) He certainly knows the secret and what is even more hidden. (7) is no god but He. For Him are the Beautiful Names.
(8)Has there come to you the story of Musa?(9)When he saw a fire and said to his family, “Stay here. I have noticed a fire. Perhaps I can bring you an ember from it, or find some guidance by the fire.” (10)So when he came to it, he was called,
“O Musa, (11)It is Me, your Lord, so remove your shoes; you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa. (12)I have chosen you (for prophet-hood), so listen to what is revealed: (13) Surely, I AM ALLAH. There is no god but Myself, so worship Me, and establish Salah for My remembrance. (14)
Umar’s heart was deeply moved by reading the Holy Qur’an and he was inclined towards Islam. Khabab (RZA) who was hiding come out and gave the good news that only yesterday the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had prayed for your guidance.
Islam Of Umar (RZA)
Therefore, along with these people, Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reached Daral – Arqam where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the distinguished companions were present.Seeing the sword in Umar’s hand, everyone was worried.
Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “Let him come. If he have come with the intention of good, then it is fine, otherwise they will be killed by their own sword.” When he entered, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) grabbed his cloak and pulls it towards him and said, “what is your intention?”
He said, “I believe in Allah, His messenger and His Book. “Hearing this, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) raised the slogan of Takbeer, and all the Muslims also said Takbeer in one language.
The Islam of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) caused a wave of joy among the companions, he was the first to announce his Islam, and after his acceptance of Islam, the first congregational prayer was offered in Masjid Haram. And Muslim started offering prayers in Masjid Haram.