The Prophet Noah (Peace Be Upon Him)

Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) said that if all these things are openly present in me and are in reality. But just as a blind man cannot see the light of the sun, so your eyes do not watch this light. So, can we forcibly make you confess this light and mercy?
Which you are so disgusted with that you don’t even bother to open your eyes to see it? Allah Almighty has placed the mutual forces of good and evil in human. And has given him the power to understand and act on both.
All the Prophets are Olu-ul-Azam (courageous ones) and the 5 Prophets are specially called Olu-ul-Azam. Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him) Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him) Prophet Issa (Peace be upon him) and Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him).
The chain of Shariah orders started with Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him). The last Prophet is Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Whom the chain of Prophethood ended.Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) continued to explain his nation for 950 years.
Arrival Of Prophet Noah (Peace Be Upon Him)
It is said that ten centuries passed after Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). In such a way that all the descendants of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) were based on the word Tawheed. The origin of idolatry was that some righteous people died whose names were: Wad, Sawa, Yaghus, Yaoq, and Nasr.
People made pictures of them to remember their deeds, worship, etc. After some period of time, they made idols according to these images, and even after a few days, they started worshipping them. These idols were named after these elders.
Therefore, Allah Almighty sent Prophet Noah (peace be upon him). And He (peace be upon him) called his people to Montheism and piety and warned them that if they do not stop idolatry. There is a fear of severe punishment. But the people did not listen to him.
Prophet Noah (Peace Be Upon Him) Explaining ToThe nation
The Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) said to his people that despite hundreds of years of explaining. If you listen to me and prostrate before your Lord and ask Him for forgiveness for your sins. Then He is very forgiving and will forgive all past sins.With the blessing of Faith and Forgiveness, they will be freed from famine and drought.
And Allah will send rain clouds that will water the fields and gardens well and with the Hereafter. An abundant share will be given from the luxuries of this world.And with great clarity, I tell those things, the disobedience of which is the fear of severe punishment.
Bequeathing Children Against Prophet Noah (Peace Be Upon Him)
The chiefs and rich people of Noah’s nation told everyone not to listen to them. To be steadfast in the support of your gods and not to come into the words of Noah. And tried to hurt Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) in every way.
It is said that for hundreds of years, everyone bequeathed to their children and children after children. That no one should be seduced by this Noah and not leave their native religion.
Idol Worship
In earlier times there were some elders, after their death, the devil seduced the people and people erected the images of these elders as memorials. Then these images started to be respected and gradually their worship started.
The nation obeyed those chiefs and rich people whose wealthy children had no merit or improvement. But they broke down, and because of them their religion ended and they deprived others of their rebellion and cruelty.
Speech Of The Nation
The nation said to Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) that the Messenger should have some special distinction compared to all people. But we see that you are from the human race like us and not the Angels of the sky before whom the necks of men should bow. Also human beings are not such that we have any special excellence and greatness over example.
You are rich or the owner of power and government. Mashallah those who followed you are all poor and low-class people, with whom it is a shame to even sit noble people like us.Of all the creatures, you were the only one who was appointed by God to the position of ambassador.
After all, we were less than you in terms of wealth, wealth, and character so we were not chosen for this position.At least your followers would have been respectable and big men. This what grace and honour can obedience of small people be to you, and how can it be a proof of truth?
Such people whose weakness is completely obvious what is your miracle to believe quickly without thinking? Rather we believe that you and your colleagues are all liars you said one thing and some fools said yes. To start a new movement and gain some distinction and prestige.
Prophet Noah’s Answer
Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) replied that it is right that the Prophet should be distinguished from ordinary people. But this distinction is not in worldly wealth and country and government. But in high morals, excellent qualities, piety, honesty, and compassion.
And by presenting these clear verses and signs that distinction is obtained. Those whom Allah Almighty places in them or reveals through them. They walk on a clear path in the light of divine revelation and divine guidance. And the special blessings of Allah shower upon them day and night like rain.
Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) said that if all these things are openly present in me and are in reality. But just as a blind man cannot see the light of the sun, so your eyes do not watch this light. So, can we forcibly make you confess this light and mercy? Which you are so disgusted with that you don’t even bother to open your eyes to see it?
Importance Of Prophet
In summary, my greatness and superiority that you do not see. Is because the eyes of your heat are blind or closed. I do not ask you for any salary for the work of preaching. Which is suspected of financial selfishness, I am the servant of my Lord, from Him, I will get my wages. Alhamdulillah, I don’t need your wealth, so why should I leave the poor and lean towards the rich?
If you despise my followers simply because of their poverty or profession then understand well. I am not going to cast out believers because of their apparent condition.They have to meet their Lord one day. They will complain to Allah that your Prophet expelled us, believers, for the sake of the people of this world.
Why should I think that their faith is only obvious? It is not my job to see the hearts, only Allah knows what was the state of their hearts. Out of ignorance, you do not see the end you only despise them because of their condition. And vainly plead that they be removed then we will come to you.
Noah (Peace Be Upon Him) Said to The Nation
Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) said to the nation how can I harm myself by being influenced by your pride and ignorance. If expelled the sincere servants of Allah with your discount then who will save me from Allah’s capture and punishment?
The nation said to Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) that you are human beings like us and are not equal in terms of wealth. Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) answers this with great honesty and justice that indeed we do not claim the distinction you want to see. Undoubtedly, I am a human being and not an Angel. Nor has Allah placed all His treasures in my possession and authority, not have I been informed of all the things of the unseen.
But with the acknowledgement of all these things I will never say like you that Allah Almighty can never give good to those who are despised in your eyes. That is me and my colleague Allah can never give them any good. For example, grant Prophethood and wisdom to one of them and bless the rest with the wealth of Faith and knowledge.
Advice To The Nation
Understand well Allah Almighty knows the abilities and conditions of their abilities and their hearts. Bestows grace and everyone according to their abilities and behaves according to inner circumstances and conditions. The special favour that Allah has bestowed on Me or on My Companion is hidden from your eyes.
Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) continued to advise them day and night and answered every doubt. And centuries passed in this debate that continued.The people were humbled by their Haqqani debates and night and day interruptions and said now stop this series. If you are truthful then bring the punishment you have been threatening immediately so that this day-to-day quarrel ends.
The Prayer Of Noah (Peace Be Upon Him)
When Noah (peace be upon him) had no glimpse of hope left, he was disappointed and saddened and asked in the court of the Lord. O Lord, I have not spared a single moment in calling and preaching on my behalf. I kept calling them to you in the dark of night and in the light of day. But the result was that the more they were told to come to you, the more they would turn away.
And as much kindness and compassion was shown by me, their hatred and disgust increased. Because they don’t want to listen to me so that this voice does not fall into their ears. So that he and I don’t see their faces. They do not want to deviate from their ways and their pride does not allow them to listen to me.
Addressed in the congregation and went to the gathering and understand. Spoke to them apart from the congregation. Loudly and slowly, the advice did not leave any title or colour.
O Allah, I am humbled by them. No plan of guidance and understanding works. Now avenge your religion and Prophet. And leave no unbeliever alive on Earth. As long as any of them remain, they will lead other believers astray. This plea was made in frustration with his instructions.
O Allah, please forgive me with your grace for whatever fault I have committed. And forgive the sins of my Parents and those who come to my Boat my House or my Mosque as believers. O Allah forgive all believing men and women until the Day of Judgment.