The Story of Salman Farsi (R.A)

Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA) suffered a lot in search of religion. Went to many countries. Salman Farsi had a long life, someone has said 350 years. Salman Farsi told the story of his conversion to Islam. I am a resident of a place in Isfahan province. My father was the chief of the place and wanted me very much. Fire was worshipped in my religion. I worked so hard in my ancient religion that I became its protector.
Meeting Christians
My father once sent me to my grandfather. On the way, I passed by a Christian church. I went there for a walk, I felt good when I saw their worship. And I began to like this religion and stayed there till the evening. When I asked where the centre of this religion he said that the country is in Syria. When I returned home at night, the family asked where he spent the whole day. I narrated the story, and the father said that religion is not good. The religion of you and your elders is better. I said no, that religion is better. Dad doubted me that I would go anywhere. So I was imprisoned at home.
Journey To Syria
I sent a message to these Christians to tell me if the traders from Syria who used to come often came. Some traders came and these Christians informed me. When those traders started going back, I ran away and went with them to Syria. Reached there and researched who is the most expert in this religion. People said that there is a person in the church, I went to him. And said to him that I want to enter your religion. And I want to be in your service. He agreed and I started living with him. But he was not a good man. He would encourage people to give charity and keep whatever was collected in his treasury. He died and another person came in his place who was better than him and I started living with him.
Salman Farsi (R.A) In Mosul
At last, the time of his death approached so I asked him to bequeath me to live with someone. He said that a person lives in Mosul, you should go to him. I went to Mosul after his death. And told this person his story, he kept me. He was the best man. at last, the time of his death approached so I asked him where should I go now.
Salman Farsi (R.A) In Nusaybin
Said: Go to so- and- so in the Nusaybin. I went to him. Told him his story, he kept with him. He was also a good man. When the time of his death came, I asked him, where should I go now?
Salman Farsi (R.A) In Gamoriyah
He said, Go to a man in ghamoriya. I went there and stayed with him like that. And earned some money there, out of which I raised some cows and some goats. When the time of his death approached, I asked where should I go now?
Journey To Mecca
He said that there is no one like us now. The time of the birth of the last prophet in near, who will follow the religion of Ibrahim. Wil be born in Arabia. The place of their migration is the country where date palm production is abundant. They will accept gifts, not charity. Between his two shoulders will be the Seal of Prophethood, this is his symbol. If possible, reach this country. After his death, some traders passed through there. I told them that if you take me with you to Arabia, these cows and goats are your in return. They accepted. And bringed me to Mecca. Gave them cows and goats. But they wronged me by calling me a slave in Makkah and sold me. A Jew bought me and brought me with him to Madina. I recognized this place as soon as I saw Madina and stayed there.
Meeting With Muhammad (PBUH)
Muhammad (peace be upon him) migrated from Makkah and came to Madinah. After hearing the news of the Messenger of Allah, (peace be upon him) I took what I had. And presented. And he said that it is for charity. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not eat it. Told the companions to eat. I said in my heart, a sign has come true. Second time I served dates and food. And said that this is a gift. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ate from it. I said in my heart, this second sign has also been fulfilled.
Once I came to Muhammad (pbuh) and started following him. Muhammad (peace be upon him) understood and showed his seal of prophethood. I cried after seeing the Seal of prophecy. Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “come forward.” I came forward and told the whole story and I became a Muslim. Salman (RA) was a Jew’ s slave at that time. Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) bought them and set them free.
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